Wednesday, June 2, 2010

“To cultivate a garden is to walk with God”--Christian Nevell Bovee

Have you ever noticed that all stories begin "in media res" (in the middle of things)? I remember being in high school and learning about the literary function of starting a story in the midst of activities and the lives of the characters. This story begins in a garden. We have about 5 1/2 acres of land which we decided to till up and invite our neighbors to plant vegetable gardens. Just so you know I am by no means an avid gardener (at least I wasn't) but I am an avid supporter of community. In the suburbs it is hard to find places for community to gather and grow. As we looked at our location it was clear that we could offer space to our neighbors to come and be present with one another. I have enjoyed learning about the garden and have been particularly amazed at the things i have learned about God in the Garden. With gardens there is an amazing amount of work to do and even when it is all done, the fate of the seeds is up to the grace of God. The art of cultivation has instilled in me the need for patience, joy in the small things and gratitude above all! God is actively motivating us to take risks, to plant seeds, water and care for small things whose outcomes are yet unknown...and every step of the way we are reminded that things are growing into what they are meant to be!

Cultivation is a spiritual discipline because it takes times, attention and patience to continue weeding and working without demonstrative produce, but then again who says a sprout isn't produce. As this story unfolds I anticipate that it is our perception of things that will shift because God is working here and will continue to work. It is our ability to see and understand that I believe shifts as we grow into the vision and mission of God for us and the world.

We are beginning now to realize the vision of being Grounded in Christ, Planted in Community and Growing through Service!

Like my experience with the garden I am always trying to learn how to do a better job, to authentically follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to honor the life that God gives as the harvest comes in!


  1. Yeah for a new blog! I look forward to reading along as you all grow =)! Thanks for sharing!
    Sending love from NC,
